Summer Term! Curset d’estiu!

Summer Term! Curset d’estiu!

Summer term June 25th to July 31st – Curset d’estiu 25 de juny a 31 de juliol Hello summer!!!While a…
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Carnival Special @ Music Together!

Carnival Special @ Music Together!

 A joyful journey through thje musical wotld of Carnival! Want to participate in Music Together’s Special Carnival class? If you…
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Jingle Jam🌲The Christmas Special @ Music Together
Classes General Special

Jingle Jam🌲The Christmas Special @ Music Together

Come to the Jingle Jam special classes @ Music Together! December 16th-22ndin different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little Santa’s helpers from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownups to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Halloween @ Music Together!!!
Classes General Special

Halloween @ Music Together!!!

Come to the Halloween Special @ Music Together! October 25th-29th in different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little monsters from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownup monsters to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Carnival Special @ Music Together 🥳
Classes General Special

Carnival Special @ Music Together 🥳

From February 24, to March 3rd, Music Together is going to offer a Special class for CARNIVAL, to all kids aged 0-5* in all its venues in Barcelona and surroundings!
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Join us this Winter 2023
Classes Fiddle Collection General

Join us this Winter 2023

Joins us this Winter 2021! New places! New fun!
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JINGLE BELLS!!! Christmas Special @ Music Together 🌲
Classes General Special

JINGLE BELLS!!! Christmas Special @ Music Together 🌲

Come to the Christmas Special @ Music Together! December 16th-22ndin different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little Santa’s helpers from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownups to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Halloween @ Music Together!!!
Classes General Special

Halloween @ Music Together!!!

Come to the Halloween Special @ Music Together! October 25th-29th in different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little monsters from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownup monsters to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Come to celebrate 10 years of Music Together!

Come to celebrate 10 years of Music Together!

Music Together in Barcelona is now 10 YEARS OLD and we want to CELEBRATE! Come to our exclusive Music Together…
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Music Together now also in Gavà!

Music Together now also in Gavà!

New venue in Gavà for Music Together! Every monday at 5.30pm, music for babies, toddlers, and kids up to 5 with thir grownups!
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Carnival Special @ Music Together 🥳
Classes General Special

Carnival Special @ Music Together 🥳

From February 24, to March 3rd, Music Together is going to offer a Special class for CARNIVAL, to all kids aged 0-5* in all its venues in Barcelona and surroundings!
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JINGLE BELLS!!! Christmas Special @ Music Together 🌲
Classes General Special

JINGLE BELLS!!! Christmas Special @ Music Together 🌲

Come to the Christmas Special @ Music Together! December 16th-22ndin different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little Santa’s helpers from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownups to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Halloween @ Music Together 🎃
Classes General Special

Halloween @ Music Together 🎃

Come to the Halloween Special @ Music Together! October 25th-29th in different venues around Barcelona and surroundings, little monsters from 0 to 5yo will gather with their grownup monsters to sing, play, dance, and make MUSIC TOGETHER!
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Join us this Winter 2021
Classes Fiddle Collection General

Join us this Winter 2021

Vols veure horaris i sales?  Ja tenim els horaris i llocs on fem Music Together a Barcelona: Sants, Poble Sec,…
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IMPORTANT! Mesures i protocol COVID

IMPORTANT! Mesures i protocol COVID

Estem preparats! Tal com us vam dir al post del blog anterior, les ganes de fer front al virus van…
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Summer…We are back!
Classes General

Summer…We are back!

Ja hi som aquí!!!!Des del dijous 16 de juliol fins el divendres 28 d’agost farem classes a l’exterior als nostres…
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Summer term form – feedback welcome!!!
Classes General

Summer term form – feedback welcome!!!

Hello everybody! We hope you are enjoying our online course! We are planning to come back face to face for…
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Reinventing ourselves
Classes General Online

Reinventing ourselves

Els humans som una espècie adaptable. Ens hem mogut per tot el món; hem estat capaços de viure en innombrables…
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Fem unes maraques?
Be curious General Maracas Collection

Fem unes maraques?

La nostra professora Elisa t’explica com crear unes maraques o sonalls amb materials que tinguis per casa. Les utilitzarem molt…
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